Monday, January 10, 2011

Some Tips on Setting Balanced Goals for 2011

Since it is the time of year again when people are making new year resolutions and setting goals for the year ahead I thought I could share some tips on setting goals that really work for me.  Before I get into that I wanted to remind you of the difference between a goal and a wish.  Many people wish they had the job or body of their dreams.  When they take this wish and start to make a plan as to how they are going to make it happen and set real time lines to achieve that goal and all the milestones leading up to it then it becomes a real and obtainable goal.

Most people are striving to live a more balanced life.  This is not an easy endeavor for many of us. One way that we can do this is by examining all of the important areas of our lives when we are setting goals for our year ahead.  This way we can make sure we are focusing on all aspects of our lives instead of just one or two!  In coaching we use the following 8 headings when we are looking at how satisfied a client is with their lives:

Environment (Work/Home)
Significant Other/Support
Fun & Recreation
Personal Growth

So for 2011 it would be very beneficial if you could take 20 minutes out of your busy lives and have a think about how satisfied you are about each of these areas.  Feel free to change these headings or add to them as you see fit.  Once you have figured out how you satisfied you are then figure out what steps you can take to be even more satisfied. Then write out all your goals under each heading that you will  achieve by the end of this year. Obviously there will be more work to do in certain areas but it is important not to work so hard in one area that we forget about others.  For example, there is no point working so hard on your career that your health and recreation suffers.  

Here are a few suggestions to make this even more powerful:

1. Remember if you actually take the time to write down your goals, you will be 80 times more likely to achieve them.  When I started to write my yearly, monthly and weekly goals down in 2008, I started to see some real results like never before. 
2. Put this written list of goals for all the areas of your life somewhere you can see it on a regular basis.  So instead of just writing it in journal and sticking it in a drawer that you will not look at very often, go ahead and tape it onto a closet door or something you look at all the time.  This will keep it fresh in your mind.  
3. Make sure you cross things off the list as you reach your goals.  The sense of achievement is greatly increased when you do this and your motivation to achieve the rest of your goals will be even higher.  
4. Set yourself really easy goals as well as some harder ones.  So for instance if you want to loose 50 lbs, then also make a smaller goal of joining the gym or buying an exercise tape.
5. Set yourself a rough date as to when you would like to achieve each goal throughout the year. 

I wish you all the best on the year ahead. Start the year as you mean to go on!

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