After obtaining a business degree from The University of Limerick and a masters in marketing from Dublin City University, I worked as a retail buyer in the toys industry for three years. Totally miserable in my job, I decided to break free from the corporate world, as scary as that seemed at the time. This is my time to focus on doing the things that I want to do instead of what I should be doing. Hopefully I will be able to make a living doing what makes me happy, that is everybody's dream right? Well I am on a mission to make sure it happens for me, because I believe that if you want something bad enough and you visualize it then it will happen. I don't think it is right going to a job that you hate everyday because we are not on this planet for long, so lets not waste our time being unhappy. In fact lets make our time on this planet as joyful and as positive as we can in every element of our lives!
I am a very passionate person who is dedicated to getting certain things accomplished during this life. When I went through the quarter life crisis, yes that horrible age of 25, something inside of me snapped. I got very depressed that year because I didn't know who I was or where I was going. I have since found out that this is very common in women. When you realize that you don't have forever on this planet your outlook on so many things begins to change. I guess it is called growing up.
Ever since then I have been constantly striving to improve things in my life, even if they are as small as finding the best shampoo for my hair or as big as finding the career I will be happy in. I love learning and I never stop in my search for knowledge. When I left my last job, one of my friends (who was just beginning her quarter life crisis) said she wouldn’t know what to do without my "life classes". By this she meant that she would miss listening to the things I used to talk about that were working in my life. Whether it was a new product I was passionate about or a philosophy on life I had. I was always talking about things that she found helpful. So I decided to start a blog to share theses things that work in my life with others and that is why I called it The Secret Class. It’s the best outlet for my desire to write and help people at the same time. I hope you enjoy the class.